Club Sunday - Glen Etive
Campbell Crombie, 13 November 2011
Four souls left for the hills: Catherine Bloomfield, John McGill, George Hamilton & myself Campbell.
There was a unanimous decision to go west to get away from the low cloud. It was decided at Crianlarich to go down Glen Etive to do Beinn Maol Chaluim (a John Corbett) but we would add on two Munros.
We set of at 9.30 up very steep ground for 700ft that got us all glowing with sweet. Weather was clear with some low cloud drifting around as we climb the sun came through to shine on us for most of the day. The views over to the back of Bidean were spectacular and it just shows how big a hill it is. The summit of Beinn Maol Chaluim at 2967ft was reached at 11.30 new hill for all 4 of us.
Food was had before we descended to the col at 2200ft and the steep climb up to the ridge to Bidean nan Bian 3766ft and we were entertained by a rescue helicopter sitting in Stob Coire nan Lochan and then flying of into the Glen. The Lost Valley was full of cloud as we sat enjoying the sun & food.
It was 1.00 so we could not linger and of to Beinn Fhada 3497ft this took us just over the hour as we meet Wendell an old member of the club on this stretch. From Beinn Fhada to the car it was 5 km it was off down a broad ridge going SE into Glen Etive. It was easy ground at first as we watched the setting sun, the last 1000ft to the Glen floor was very steep grass on tired legs we reached the road at 4.10, then an easy walk back to the car by 4.30 and a great day.
We also stopped at HQ on the way home a big day for the time of year but all enjoyed.
Totals: Distance 11.5 km, Height 4533ft, Time 7.0 hours